What is Foster Care?

What is Foster Care?

Fostering can be an incredibly fulfilling career

As a foster carer, you have the opportunity to make a real difference to the life of a child of young person. 

The true meaning of fostering is to provide vulnerable children and young people with the love, care and support they need to improve their outcomes and succeed. Our foster families provide our children and young people with an environment within which they can thrive and make a difference in their lives.

Some children and young people need to live in an alternative home away from their families for so many reasons.

Some children and young people need to live in an alternative home away from their families for so many reasons.

Some children and young people need to live in an alternative home away from their families for so many reasons.

Each child has a different story and each child needs a different family to help them through a difficult time. There are many reasons why a child or young person may not be able to live with their birth family, including neglect, abuse, parental illness, police involvement or family breakdown. Some fostering arrangements are only for a temporary period of time, while the issues that placed the child into foster care are resolved. However, children and young people may also stay living with their foster family for many years. It all depends on their individual needs and circumstances.

Foster carers come from many different walks of life

Foster carers come from many different walks of life

All of whom can take on the challenge of caring for a scared and vulnerable child or young person, helping to keep them safe and care for them. Fostering is one of the most worthwhile experiences and rewarding careers that anybody can have.

There is a massive shortage of foster carers across the UK, with the South East and London struggling the most to recruit new foster carers. So as a Kent-based fostering agency, we are always looking for more people to consider fostering.

The basic criteria for fostering in the UK is generally that you:

  • Are at least 21 years old
  • Have a spare bedroom
  • Have permanent leave to remain in the UK

Previous experience with children is welcomed but not required, you do not need to be in a relationship and you do not need to own your own home. 

At lighthouse we believe that Foster carers are truly amazing, hard-working people, with a real commitment to making a difference and with the support and guidance from our experienced team working alongside you, this will allow you to work in a understanding and  supportive manner to achieve the very best outcomes for the children and young people in your  care.